Test your posture

What is a good posture?

To know if you have a good posture, we must first clarify what a good posture is. The picture shows how the body should behave and an example of what it should not look like. 

Your feet should point with the third toe straight ahead. The knees should be relaxed - not stretched or bent. Hip centered and not moving forward. We should have a small lower hollow, not an upper hollow. A slight curvature in the thoracic spine. The shoulders should be in a straight line in correlation to the ears.

Your body should be able to be relaxed when you stand up and it should be easy to breath with your stomach. You should not have to think or correct yourself to a good posture, but the body should naturally be in an upright position. 

When moving, the body should feel light, mobile and free. Something that many have forgotten how it feels like. Feel free to test your posture with a couple of selected function tests and visual tests further down. Good luck!

Visuel tests

Where do your feet point?

We want your feet to point with about the third toe straight ahead for optimal function. It can feel like you're standing with your feet a little inward. You should stand with just over a fist between your feet with the center of gravity evenly distributed under your feet. It is common to stand too wide with your feet facing outwards to compensate. 
What does your spine curve look like?

Do you have a high hollow or a none at all? Both are most often due to muscular imbalances related to the lower body and not primarily the upper body. If the feet, knees and hips are unstable, the upper part will hold tight to compensate. Then usually no massage helps other than for the moment.
Is your one shoulder lower than the other?

If your one shoulder looks lower than the other, it could be due to several different reasons. Very often it is not the shoulder that is the primary problem. Often the cause of the problem is further down.
Is your neck on the way home before you?

More and more people are walking with their mobile in their hand. Not only do we move the weight of 3-4kg head  forward, which changes the posture all the way down, but we also disturb the body's natural movement pattern. It ultimately creates a poorer balance and coordination.

Functunal tests

Can you reach your feet?

Are your feet a distant destination or do you visit often. Look if you can put both palms in the ground. Many today have too tense hamstrings, calves and backs that put an end to the forward bending.

Can you stand with your thigh folded according to the position of the picture but against a wall without feeling a stretch?

Impossible? No, not at all. If you have a lot of tension in your thigh, it can make it difficult for your body to straighten up. This can cause your shoulders to lock in an incorrect position and cause you to have a rotated hip. Often the thigh is overused, compensating for other musculoskeletal disfunctions like weak hipflexors. Do not take the test if knee problems.
Can you squat with your feet straight ahead?

Is it difficult for you to squat with your feet forward without cheating and have them sneaking outwards? We should be able to sit in that position. Look at children, they are excellent pre-images. A good tip is to sit like that for a couple of minutes a day, take the opportunity when you brush your teeth or go on the toilet, your intenses will thank you.
Can you put your hands together behind your back? On both sides?

Congratulations, many have a hard time with that today. If you have to put in an effort or that it feels different on the sides then you have an imbalance. Many people today have forward-tipped necks, stiff shoulders and thoracic spines that make this difficult.

Did you fail any of the tests?

Try postural exercises for free online and see if some of the tests get better or book an appointment to get individualized exercises for your particular posture imbalances. Keep in mind that if you have long-term problems, an individual visit is recommended. None of the exercises or tests should hurt, if they do then stop. (For the moment the exercises are only in swedish, but just follow the video)